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News & stories

Raising awareness of invasive plants among the younger generation

On 17 June 2024, primary school pupils enthusiastically uprooted invasive plants that threatened the stability of the banks along the Trient…

Vercelli 2.0 – more flexible, efficient and climate-friendly

Over the past months, Alpiq has completely overhauled the Vercelli gas-fired power plant in the northern Italian region of Piedmont, making it fit for…

Electricity Act – Working together for a secure electricity supply

The Federal Act on the Secure Supply of Electricity from Renewable Energies, the Electricity Act, is a decisive step towards implementing the energy…

How the Gornerli project is using valuable glacier meltwater sensibly

In the case of hydropower, the backbone of Switzerland’s energy supply, a “yes” vote on the Electricity Act would prioritise the implementation of the…

When the glacier melts: how our use of water as a resource is changing

Switzerland is Europe's surge tank. But as the climate changes, there are increasing demands on the use of water as a resource. We want to take a look…

Breeding pool enhancements keep the toads singing

A 1-hectare pool landscape in Härkingen in the canton of Solothurn that serves as a vital spawning ground for endangered toads has been restored and…

Alpiq strengthens position in pooling of flexibilities

Hardly any other market is currently as dynamic as the market for decentralised flexibility. The number of battery storage systems in particular has…

Meet David, our Business Development Manager

David Treuherz has been working for Alpiq for five years in Germany, currently as Business Development Manager. His focus is on renewable energy…

11 kilometres of river renaturalised to enhance biodiversity

Eleven kilometres of small and medium-sized rivers have been revitalised in the canton of Solothurn thanks to the support of the Alpiq Eco Fund.…

Supporting the energy transition through flexibility

In recent years, the energy transition has led to a steep increase in renewable energy capacities. The growth in the number of wind farms and solar…